HondA FreeD NeW iN IndoNesiA 2009 - 2010

Dari  Dunia Otomotif :  Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV) compact. Kembali akan muncul dalam pasar otomotif Indonesia.    PT Honda Prospect Motor memberikan Tempo kesempatan mencoba MPV terbaru mereka ini dalam acara Honda Freed Exclusive Media Test Drive di Bali, awal bulan ini. "Mobil ini akan jadi opsi dan pilihan utama new generation family di Indonesia," kata Yukihiro Aoshima President Director PT Honda Prospect Motor.  Aoshima-san memang tak sekedar berpromosi. Jika dilihat dari bodinya, jelas Freed lebih kecil....
"Ketimbang pendahulunya, yaitu : Honda CR-V & Honda Stream, eeeiiittss *_*  " Tapi jangan salah,Freed  dengan dimensi panjang 4.215 mm, lebar 1.700 mm dan tinggi 1.735 mm, mobil ini justru bisa menampung 7 penumpang, dua orang lebih banyak ketimbang CR-V.
"Tampilan dasboard Freed juga berbeda dengan MPV kebanyakan. Dual layered dashboard terlihat simpel, tuas trasnsmisi berada di tengah dashboard bersebelahan dengan tombol pengatur suhu ruangan. Perangkat audio yang berada di bagian atas juga dilengkapi USB plug dan iPod connector.
"tenaga 118 PS di 6000 rpm dan torsi 156 Nm di 4800 rpm yang dimiliki cukup tangguh untuk sebuah MPV.
" kisaran Harga Freed Rp 260 juta-an untuk harga Dki Jakarta. HPM rupanya mau membuka semua selubung Freed saat launching resmi akhir bulan ini. Tak ada salahnya menunggu.


In English Languange            

From World Automotive: Multi Purpose Vehicle (MPV) compact. Return will appear in the Indonesian automotive market. PT Honda Prospect Motor provides Tempo opportunity to try their latest MPV is in the Honda Freed Media Exclusive Test Drive in Bali, earlier this month. "This car will be the primary choice options and new-generation family in Indonesia," said Yukihiro Aoshima President Director of PT Honda Prospect Motor. Aoshima-san did not just promote. When viewed from bodinya, clearly smaller Freed ....
"Rather than its predecessor, namely: Honda CR-V & Honda Stream, eeeiiittss * _ *" But make no mistake, Freed by a long dimension of 4215 mm, width 1700 mm and 1735 mm high, this car can actually handle up to 7 passengers, two more more than the CR-V.
"Views dasboard Freed MPV is also different from most. Dual layered dashboard looks simple, trasnsmisi lever in the middle of the dashboard next to the room temperature control knob. Audio device at the top also features a USB plug and the iPod connector.
"power 118 PS at 6000 rpm and 156 Nm of torque at 4800 rpm owned tough enough for an MPV.
"Price range Freed USD 260 million for the price of Dki Jakarta. HPM seems to want to open every envelope Freed as the official launch later this month. It would not hurt to wait.


New Prius Dazzle World

New Prius Dazzle World                                                    
Written by Andre Alexander

{New Prius Dazzle World}

Only need about 2 weeks after its official launch (May 18, 2009), New Prius has been recorded as a best-selling car in Japan with total sales reaching 10,915 units, about five times the previous month. This figure is higher than the sale of the Honda Insight in April and the peak position with 10,481 units in May, but was the third place with sales of about 8 thousand units.
* Data from the Japan Automobile Dealers Association

New Prius orders flooded the market since the Japanese know the presence of a third-generation plans hybrid vehicles are selling in the world. Currently, around 110,000 bookings have entered the New Prius, and is expected to be met around in November, in line with TMC plans increase production capacity of the Prius to 50,000 units per month in 2010.

"The success of the New Prius was supported by the image and popularity as a best-selling hybrid vehicles during the last 10 years (the Prius was first introduced in 1997), in addition to external factors such as new tax policy in Japan for environmentally friendly cars," said Johnny Darmawan, president director of PT Toyota -Astra Motor, the rate of achievement is the New Prius. "Attention and the real concern of the government's proved a big role to the success of our efforts as producers in improving the use of environmentally friendly vehicles."

Toyota's efforts to promote the use of environmentally friendly vehicles is also done globally. As Toyota to borrow and education to educational institutions, government, community leaders and others, in other parts of the world hundreds of hybrid vehicles Toyota Prius base model is also leased to government agencies and companies, for example in Japan, America and France. New Prius was launched in America in late May 2009.

Toyota Alphard New

Dimanjakan Generasi Baru Toyota Alphard 

Generasi baru Toyota Alphard menjanjikan kenyamanan interior lebih baik dari pendahulunya. Model yang diperkenalkan di Jepang, Senin (12/5) kini dilengkapi Executive Power Seats dibaris kedua dan pencahayaan interior dengan teknologi LED untuk menciptakan suasana ramah.
Bukan itu saja, peforma dinamisnya juga meningkat seiring makin sempurnanya system penggerak, aerodinamika dan aplikasi material ringan. Konsumsi bahan bakar dan emisinya juga lebih baik. Perangkat safety juga lebih lengkap. Semua itu berkontribusi menjadikan Alphard sebagai minivan teratas di keluarga Toyota.
Di Jepang, Toyota memperkenalkan dua serial Alphard yaitu; Alphard dan Velfare. Bedanya, Alphard elegan dan berkelas, Vellfire lebih menekankan nuansa inovatif dan power.
Kedua model itu diproduksi di Inabe Plant, Toyota Auto Body Co. Menurut situs resmi Toyota, kedua varian itu masing-masing ditargetkan terjual 3000 unit perbulan di Jepang.
Dibandingkan pendahulunya, Alphard baru lebih pendek tapi tinggi interiornya bertambah 10 mm karena lantai turun 55 mm. Interior juga tambah panjang 75 mm. Interior lebih senyap berkat distribusi optimal peredam suara.
Konsumen Alphard di Jepang akan dimanjakan dengan Executive Power Seats pada baris kedua. Kursi spesial ini menawarkan footrest lebih besar, demikian pula sandaran kepala dan tangan.
Pencahayaan interior bisa diatur dalam empat tingkat terang berkat teknologi LED. Nuansa elegan dan mewah terpancar dari panel bermotif kayu pada center console dengan penghias lapisan logam yang untuk pertamakalinya menggunakan teknologisputtering.
Telinga ikut dimanjakan lewat Toyota Premium Sound System dengan 18 speaker menghasilkan suara berkualitas tinggi bahkan untuk kabin sebesar itu. Dan untuk pertamakalinya diafragma speaker depan dibuat dari serat bambu untuk menghasilkan reproduksi suara lebih jernih. Mengejar kedalamanan suara lebih baik, Toyota menanam enam speaker di langit-langit.
Di pasar Jepang, Toyota menawarkan mesin lebih besar pada Alphard generasi baru yaitu 3.5 liter Dual VVT-I yang dipasangkan dengan 6 Super ECT (Super Intelligent Electronically-controlled, Six-speed Automatic Transmission). Meskipun lebih besar, efisiensi bahan bakarnya meningkat 7% dibandingkan mesin 3.0 liter lama berkat aerodinamika yang lebih baik.
Pilihan lain, 2.4 liter VVT-i dipasangkan dengan Super CVT-i (Continuously Variable Transmission-intelligent). Dibandingkan generasi sebelumnya, 20% lebih irit, juga berkat aerodinamika lebih baik.
Teknologi transmisi 6-speed Sequential Shiftmatic pada versi 3.5-liter dan 7-speed Sports Sequential Shiftmatic, memberi kesempatan pengemudi menikmati sensasi transmisi manual pada transmisi matik.
Kombinasi tinggi mobil yang lebih rendah, track lebih lebas dan wheelbase lebih panjang menghasilkan handling dan stabilitas jelajah lebih baik.
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In English LAnguange  

The new generation Toyota Alphard promising better interior comfort than its predecessor. Model introduced in Japan, Monday (12 / 5) is now equipped Executive Power Seats dibaris second and interior lighting with LED technology to create a friendly atmosphere.
Not only that, dynamic Performance also increase as more and more perfect system activator, aerodynamics and lightweight materials applications. Fuel consumption and emissions are also better. Safety device is also more complete. All that contributed to make the top minivan Alphard as the Toyota family.
In Japan, Toyota Alphard introduced two series of; Alphard and Velfare. The difference, Alphard elegant and classy, more emphasis Vellfire innovative nuances and power.
Both models produced in Inabe Plant, Toyota Auto Body Co.. According to Toyota's official site, the two variants, each targeted 3000 units sold per month in Japan.
Compared to its predecessor, the new Alphard shorter but increased interior height 10 mm for 55 mm off the floor. Interior also added 75 mm long. More quiet interior thanks to the optimal distribution of silencers.
Alphard Consumers in Japan will be spoiled with the Executive Power Seats in the second row. This special seats offer greater footrest, as well as the back of the head and hands.
Interior lighting can be arranged in four levels of light thanks to LED technology. Elegant and luxurious shades emanated from wood patterned panels in the center console with a decorative metal layer to first use teknologisputtering.
The ears are pampered by Toyota joined Premium Sound System with 18 speakers produce high-quality sound even on pieces of it. And for the first time next speaker diaphragm made of bamboo fibers to produce clearer sound reproduction. Kedalamanan pursue sound better, the Toyota plant six speakers in the ceiling.
In the Japanese market, Toyota offers a larger engine in the new generation of Alphard 3.5 liter Dual VVT-I that is paired with 6 Super ECT (Super Intelligent Electronically-controlled, Six-speed Automatic Transmission). Although larger, fuel efficiency increased 7% compared to 3.0-liter engine while thanks to better aerodynamics.
Other options, 2.4-liter VVT-i is paired with Super CVT-i (Continuously Variable Transmission-intelligent). Compared to previous generations, 20% more efficient, also thanks to better aerodynamics.
Technology transmission 6-speed Sequential Shiftmatic in version 3.5-liter and 7-speed Sequential Sports Shiftmatic, allowing the driver to enjoy the sensation of the manual transmission automatic transmissions.
High combinations lower the car, more lebas tracks and longer wheelbase produce handling and cruising stability better.
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